Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A presentation by the BBC on Surrogacy in India

This aired last night.  I'm trying to find a way to watch this - it's listed as being on BBC 4.   There are repeats, and the link isn't available though on I player, so if anyone watches this, please give feedback on it.  I'm very curious to know how this is portrayed, is it biased?  Is it accurate?  The article yesterday in the San Francisco Chronicle was amazing, and again this is about Dr. Patel.  While I perhaps don't agree with some of the things about her practice personally, I have to say, she's certainly putting it all out there and has had a successful program.

Again, I support surrogacy in India as a great option for family building, but I PERSONALLY prefer to be in Delhi with Dr. Bakshi, modern conveniences, access to the US Embassy, the FRRO, and high level specialty NICU hospitals should an issue arise.   There are many different options available for Surrogacy in India, so make sure that you (Intended Parents) are comfortable with the set up of the clinic you select.  And for goodness sake, have a facilitator to help you navigate!

This show sure looks interesting!  If anyone can see it, please let me know!

"Living inside the House of Surrogates"  BBC

1 comment:

  1. I did see it. We have 3 children born via a surrogate with Dr. Patel, and I also work with Dr. Bakshi. Both women have had success. As the world knows, Dr. Patel is the mother of surrogacy in India and it is still evident whenever anyone visits Anand. The surrogates there have no problem staying in the surrogate housing...it all has to do with culture and what you know. What I have learned as an IP and as a business owner, is to come with an open mind when it comes to the world of surrogacy in third world places.


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