Okay ya'll how's this? Beta is now 1504. Repeat ultrasound in a week, but how on earth are we going to survive without going insane? We American's are so used to the RE's here in the states performing betas every 48 hours and becoming slaves to the numbers. I don't know which way is the right way. I think in this case it might be nice to see a repeat Beta in 48 hours to see if there is a pattern of normal rise, but Dr. Shivani is our expert, and I will NEVER throw in the "But in America" thing, because things are done differently in India, and we all have respect for that. Deep respect for that. I don't want to be a pushy American. It's hard enough to bridge the cultural divide without stepping on toes, I never want to offend the woman who really does know best. And face it, Americans as a population don't have the best standing in the rest of the world right now, so focused on stupid chicken are we. Oh don't get me started on that one. I believe in civil rights for EVERYONE. I support families of all sorts, not just in the so called "traditional" sense.
Again, this is a repeat to me, had similar thing happen, and I can't remember which pregnancy. I have all of my journals and all of my records from those years, but the box is somewhere on a moving truck in Maine waiting to make its way down to Dallas with the rest of our stuff around the 15th. I am hoping that I look and find out that it was one of the two pregnancies that ended in the birth of our children.
I am too old for this. LOL. I'll do anything for my little sister, and my wonderful brother-in-law, so I'm strapped in and committed for the entire ride, even though the tilt-a whirl makes me dizzy and sick.
Thoughts, experiences, anyone want to share while we wait? Thank you to everyone who wrote condolences after yesterday's post, I guess the Fat Lady hasn't sung quite yet.
Best to All!!!